Temple Micah is a warm, friendly, inclusive community synagogue where all individuals and their families and friends are welcome and where everyone can realize their own connection to Judaism. We are an unaffiliated, egalitarian congregation in Lawrenceville, New Jersey serving the Jewish community of Central New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania since 1969.
For more than 50 years, our spiritual home has been at the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville at 2688 Main Street (Route 206) in the Village of Lawrenceville.
Temple Micah Fund for the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville Capital Campaign

If you have been at Temple Micah for a service or event recently you know that big changes are going on at the Church. PCOL has embarked on a major renovation project to upgrade and expand its facilities. The Dana and Janet Fearon Atrium is the centerpiece of the project. This flexible and dividable space will provide attractive and accessible facilities for a variety of community services. Plans also include a new HVAC system, an expanded south lobby with an elevator to the upper and lower levels, and an electronic lift for access to the Meeting House.
The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville has already raised more than $4 million for this investment effort. Temple Micah is committed to doing their part and has established a special fund to make a meaningful contribution to the PCOL capital campaign. We are asking all our members and friends to contribute.
Online: Click here to donate online to the capital campaign with a credit card.
By mail: Click here to print a capital campaign donation form and mail it in with a check.
Upcoming Events
Date Change: February 21, 2025 February 14, 2025 at 7:30 pm
Kabbalat Shabbat Services with Rabbi Perlman

In person and livestream on our Facebook page. The livestream is public, no Facebook account required. If a box pops up asking you to sign in, click the “X” in the upper right corner to close the box and view the video.
Join our community and become a member of Temple Micah today. We are the most affordable congregation in the area.
Online: Click here to join online and pay by credit card or check.
By mail: Click here to print a membership form and mail it in with your check.
If you prefer to receive a paper membership packet through the USPS, please send a request to nballard.templemicah@gmail.com
Religious School Registration for 2024-25
Our weekly Religious School serves students in kindergarten through grade eight. The first day of school this year is Tuesday, September 17, 2024.
Two ways to register:
Online: Click here to pay for membership and school registration by credit card or check
By mail: Click here to print the Membership and School Registration forms. Fill them out and mail with your check for the total amount.
Please send questions to our Religious School Director,
Jaclyn Leibowitz at TMRSDirector@gmail.com

Temple Micah is here for you because of the generous support of our members and friends. Ensure that we will be here for you going forward by making a contribution today. You may choose to make a donation in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special person or occasion.
Online: Click here to donate online with a credit card.
By mail: Click here to print a donation form and mail it in with a check.